Joelle told me today that she "can't wait to go home". She clarified this by saying that she absolutely loves the camp but not Hollywood. I think we all miss the comforts of home and the QUIETNESS of it. We miss our family, friends, pets and neighbors. We look out our hotel window to a very, very large city. It is so much nicer to look out our windows at home and see trees, squirrels and the familiar faces of the Salemas. :) I guess it's just hard to be here "alone".
We officially turned into rednecks last night when we were forced to wash our clothes in the bathtub. Enough said.
Anyway, while we are savoring this experience, there really is no place like home.
Hey Joelle,
I can't wait for you to come home too! We had pretty boring day here today. We pretty much just cleaned the house and I painted the porch floor...wahoo. Your cousin Casey and Kelly slept at Auntie Erins last night and we went over for dinner. Casey was in a softball tournament in Portland all weekend. Well I am off to work. Have a great day.
I love you,
Hi Joelle,
I can't wait to see you and Marina home again. I want to sit down with the both of you and hear about all of your wonderful experiences. I was at Auntie Erin's for a while last night but it wasn't the same without you and Mina.
Love and miss you,
Hey Joelle,
"Home" misses you!!!!
Auntie Erin
I meant to say it will be even quieter when you return b/c Simon won't be barking. Evidently I've got sadness on the brain, which is true.
It will be happy when you return, not sad.
Hey Joelle! I completely understand how you feel! There's nothing like your own bed and familiar surroundings!!
Will said to me today, "Yeah!! Five more days and then Joelle and Mina!!"
He misses you guys SO much!
Hey you guys,
how are you... i here that u are a little home sick... But this is a one in a life time chance to go to hollywood... i miss you guys so much and i cant wait to see you when you come back home...Have a great time.....
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