Joelle has completed her third day of camp. She really is enjoying herself. Her favorite class so far is dance. She is learning a routine to a High School Musical song. She is trying her best to sing her way through a cold. Thankfully, she is almost over it. We have decided together that she will sing "I'll Stand By You" next Friday in front of the talent scouts/agents. She will sing on stage with a microphone and actual music. Very exciting as I know she will do us all proud. She is also working on a one minute monologue to perform that same day. She is getting a ton of help, advice and constructive criticism from all the teachers involved. I will attend a seminar on Friday hosted by Debbie's mother. Marina is really looking forward to it....not. Thank God for Nintendo DS's. The seminar is all about the "business". Not sure how much this pertains to me but I guess you never know. Funny story and one that shows just how snobby some of these "stage moms" can be: Marina and I hop into a cab everyday at 12:45 to go pick Joelle up. The cab pulls up to the acting studio and waits while Marina and I go in to sign Joelle out. So today, our bright green cab pulls up to the studio. Marina and I step out and a woman looks at the cab and says "oh my" in this appalled manner. Guess our pretty ride didn't compare to her Mercedes. Puh-leaze.
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